Looking for a way to serve God? Look no further!
CCEP offers many ways to get involved in not only the church but the community as well. Ranging from weekly trash removal, Sunday greeting, media, worship, shut-ins and meal ministries, and even getting Sunday donuts- there is no end to the things you can do for God's Kingdom! For more detailed descriptions of current volunteer positions, scroll to the list at the bottom of the page.
If you would like to get involved, but don't know what you can do, we encourage you to sign up for our Say Yes! Seminar, where you will learn about your giftings and how to use them.
Or, if you already know what you want to do, use one of the links below to sign up for one of our many volunteer opportunities!
Volunteer Descriptions
Church Volunteers
Sunday Greeter:
A smiling face can go a long way. Sunday Greeters will be stationed at each entrance to the church before each service and will welcome everyone who passes through our doors and make sure they all get a bulletin and know where to find coffee, donuts, or restrooms. The greeters also act as ushers for the communion/offering later in the service.
Sunday Donuts Retrieval:
Who doesn't like having a quick snack in the morning? The Sunday Donuts Retrieval will- you guessed it! Go get the donuts on each Sunday before services begin.
Tea & Coffee Bar Team:
Nobody likes a morning grouch, and nobody likes missing their morning coffee. The Tea & Coffee Bar Team is responsible for making sure there is hot coffee and enough tea, creamer, hot chocolate, or cider for everyone who comes to church on a Sunday morning.
Media Team:
If you don't know the lyrics to the song, it's nice to see them on a screen. The Media Team is stationed in our A/V Booth at the back of the family room- they make sure the worship team sounds great, the slides move smoothly, and the internet streaming works flawlessly. If you know your tech, this might be the place for you!
Video Team:
Sometimes it's nice to sit back and watch a short skit , a video testimony, or updates on the church as a whole all in one place. The Video Team is responsible for making those fun little videos that we can see on occasion during our services.
Worship Team:
Can you play an instrument or carry a tune? Then we'd love to invite you to be a part of our worship team. Come help lead the church in worship before the throne of God!
Trash Removal Team:
Trash is an unfortunate reality of doing just about anything. But if it doesn't have a chance to gather up, then nobody notices that it exists. If you have a large car or a truck/trailer, we'd love to count on you to help keep our church clean. Keep a hold of those receipts- the church will reimburse you for your help!
Snow Removal Crew:
Everyone loves a good snowball fight, but nobody loves slipping and sliding down stairs while trying to come to church. If you have a strong back and don't mind the cold for a little bit, we'd appreciate your help keeping our stairs and entryways clear of snow and ice during cold weather- help us take care of our people during the winter and spring!
Emergency Preparedness Team:
Fire! Fire! The chance of disaster is never 0, and we want to be as prepared as possible. If you have an eye for organization, have tools or skills that can help when disaster arises, or simply have a desire to help when something happens, we would be thrilled to include you on our Emergency Preparedness Team!
Fellowship Meal Team:
Love to cook? Well we love to eat! Every 5th Sunday, and for special events, we like to have fellowship meals. If you would like to help organize those, we would love to count you as part of our Fellowship Meal Team!
Life Group Host:
Community happens best when it happens together. A Life Group Host is simply someone who has decided to open their home to a group of fellow Believers to study Scripture, Pray, and Live Life Together!
Life Group Leader:
Without direction, people will go wherever the wind takes them. With a good leader, though, people can accomplish just about anything. If you would like to be a Life Group Leader, we'll make sure you learn what you need to know and have the tools you need to lead well; just let us know you're interested!
Children/Youth Volunteers
Praise Place Teacher:
Kids can be a great deal of fun! If you enjoy spending time with them, we'd love to help you get involved! Praise Place teachers can specialize in age groups (nursery, K-1st grade, 2-3rd grade, or 4-5th grade), or they can rotate through if they prefer. Your main goal will be to ensure that our kids get a foundation for life in Scripture- lesson plans will be provided.
Praise Place Crafts:
If teaching isn't your thing, but you like doing arts and crafts, then this is your place. Work with the Praise Place teachers to have a crafts activity related to the lesson and have fun making art with CCEP's kids!
Praise Place Activities:
Not an artist or a teacher? Well, you can play games, right? Praise Place Activities will focus on playing games, running obstacle courses, and otherwise getting our kids active during their session of Praise Place.
Events Volunteers
Christmas Volunteer:
'Tis the season! For being busy, that is. Christmas Eve is one of the most heavily attended services in any church, and we can use all the help we can get- whether that's serving as parking attendants, ushers, running the hot chocolate station, or reading Scripture for the service, we could seriously use all the help we can get. Sign up for our Christmas Volunteers and we'll definitely have something for you to help with!
Worship at the Park Volunteer:
Wouldn't it be nice to have church outside sometimes? Well, at CCEP, we will do exactly that. Several times during the summer, we plan to have our church services at the Stanley Park- and when we do, we would love to be able to count on having extra help setting up, tearing down, and otherwise just having a great time when we have Worship at the Park.
Easter Volunteer:
Jesus is Risen! Easter is one of our biggest Sundays of the year, and we can always use a few extra hands for communion, coffee, and worship. Let us know if you would like to help on this day that we remember Jesus' resurrection!
Community Events Team:
Every now and then, there are events that happen in the Estes Valley community. Whenever these events are happening (particularly family friendly events), we'd like to have a presence there. Anyone interested in helping CCEP become a standard name in our community events will be welcome to join the Events Team!