Special Sunday Service! One Service This Weekend at 10AM!

Life Groups

Living Life Together

Hebrews 10:25 tells us "not to forget meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another- and all the more as you see the day approaching."

This call to meet together, to encourage one another, and to support one another is a foundational core of why we have Life Groups:

To build a community of Believers; living life and growing in faith, together.

Current Life Groups

Voelz Life Group - led by Jesse Kirkpatrick

Dorman Life Group - led by Aaron Dorman

Ross Life Group - led by Caleb Ross

Edwards Life Group - led by Debbie Edwards

Moris Life Group - led by Mike & Debbie Dwyer

Rumsey Life Group - led by Bonnie Rumsey

McLain Life Group - led by Jim & Ruth Hocker

Kirk Life Group - led by Logan Kirk

Daytime Life Group - led by Mary Ann Pettit