Ukraine Trip
John and Becky Leverington are going on a mission trip January 11-21 to Kyiv, Ukraine to provide support and encouragement for the TCI staff, at the invitation of Valik and Luba Siniy, who our church supports. TCI is the first accredited training institute in Ukraine providing BA and Masters Degrees in several disciplines training Christian pastors and workers.
John and Becky will attend the TCI staff retreat January 16-18, mainly as participants, but John will also share a devotional. The other days in Kyiv they will seek to provide any practical help requested, good listening ears, and encouragement to the TCI staff.
Mexico Mission Trip
The Mexico Trip, March 14-23, exists to serve the global church and to reach the people of Tijuana, Mexico who are in need of the transformative power of the good news of Jesus Christ, and to connect those that we reach with a church family that will disciple them and help their faith to grow and flourish.
Zambia Mission Trip
The Zambia Trip, April 26-May 12 is to support long-time missionary partner Henry Katontoka and his mission to train up local pastors and church leaders. The trip will consist of several 3-day trainings for local pastors and will help to grow the Kingdom of God in Zambia.